In the past few years, surveys in this country and elsewhere have shown a shockingly low level of knowledge about the facts of the Holocaust, particularly among young people. Holocaust denial and distortion are but one aspect of antisemitism; combating antisemitism in all its forms and resolving remaining Holocaust issues are a high priority for the United States Government. Whether it’s facilitating landmark international agreements, bringing Holocaust educators, museum experts, and journalists to this country to learn about how institutions in the United States teach about the Holocaust, or countering Holocaust distortion and denial, the Office of the Special Envoy for Holocaust Issues continues to pursue a measure of justice for Holocaust survivors.
Ellen Germain assumed her duties as Special Envoy for Holocaust Issues on August 23, 2021. She is a career member of the Senior Foreign Service. Ms. Germain served as Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S. Embassy in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina from 2018-2021. Her previous positions include director of the Office of Arabian Peninsula Affairs in the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs (2015-2017), head of the U.S. Consulate General in Krakow, Poland (2012-2015), and postings as deputy political counselor at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad (2007-2008) and at the U.S. Mission to the United Nations in New York (2008-2012) where she was responsible for issues relating to the Middle East, East Asia, and nonproliferation. In Washington, DC, Ms. Germain has also held positions in the offices of Russian Affairs, Israel-Palestinian Affairs, and Maghreb Affairs. Her other overseas tours were Tel Aviv, London, and Moscow.