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Add your voice to the ongoing battle for justice, freedom, human rights and civil liberties at home and abroad. Join us and use your legal skills to help heal and transform the world; to combat threats to the Jewish people; to encourage the study of Jewish law and the implementation of its universal principles; and to integrate acts of chesed (righteousness) into your daily life.

Members of the AAJLJ enjoy a collegial relationship with lawyers and jurists in America and throughout the world.


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Membership Categories

  • Standard Annual Membership: $125
  • Law Student (voluntary contribution): $18
  • Retired Attorney/Member of Bar less than 3 years: $50
  • Professor/Judge/Gov’t/Public Interest Attorney: $75
  • Sustaining Member: $300
  • Benefactor: $500
  • Patron: $1000

Dues are for a one year period, to be renewed annually.